New Walking Duds for the 2020 Season! |
So where are we due to go in 2020, and walking season #9, as we start the Five Year Plan to get every remaining corner of West Yorkshire visited before I turn 50 (while ignoring the fact that it's really the second year of a six year plan, as 2019's trips to the South crystallized the initial idea, admittedly after blazing trails that filled in some blank spaces in the North in 2018 which just confuses the issue even further)? The intent is to pretty much pick up where I left off last year, giving the feeling that this off-season has really been a brief hiatus, as we look to bust some trails from the outer edges of the field of walking experience for 2018:
- The main focus of the year will be into Calderdale, which aside from a single traversal on my Irish Coast Trek in 2015 hasn't seen any serious exploration since 2013, and as there's two years worth of tracks out there, we'll keep our focus on the southern half for now, the section above the Colne, but below the Calder.
- My holiday targets are a bit less ambitious than some of my priors, but as Mum is still game for a week away or two, we'll look towards the Rossendale Way for May, and the Mary Townley Loop of the Pennine Bridleway for September, while perhaps finding a trip to her Old Countries in Berkshire or Powys for July, maybe?
- The High Season plan is to start busting the trans-Pennine routes between West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester, in the directions of the Tame valley, the Roch dale, and that weird Lancashire town that doesn't seem to have been seen by any transient travelers, and only exists for people who go there deliberately.
- Use the Early and Late Season to explore the hinterland to the east of Calderdale, the north of Kirklees, and the south of Aireworthwharfe between Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Halifax and Bradford, where far too many paths that are relatively close to home still remain unseen after eight previous years of wandering.
- Get over to visit My Sister more, and hopefully inspire some trips to unusual territories, as our previous excursions to the Peak District, the Dark Peak fringe of Cheshire and a summit in the Lake District have really whetted my appetite for expanding the boundaries of what's possible in a simple weekend away.
- And finally, remember to Break to Be Sociable, and take time off to prevent burnout as not every year needs to feature a tilt at 600 miles, as while enhancing your mental health through exercise is A Good Thing, doing it at the expense of your physical well-being is ultimately a Fool's Errand.
Doesn't it feel good to not see the Witton Weaver's Way on that list, eh?
One thing you'll not be seeing on the blog for a while, though, is stats, as my off season has seen me sitting down to properly compile my paper record of my wanderings again, having left it idle for over 18 months, and along the way I've discovered so many calculation errors, some dating back years, that all my achievement totals will need to be re-done, which is unsurprisingly going to take a while to get posted here, so there will be no fresh numbers added in 2020 until I'm certain that all my totals are correct, as my 5,000 miles targets might prove to be remoter, or indeed closer, than I've been reporting over the years.
MAY 2020 Edit: All walking stats are now corrected, thanks to amounts of free time brought about by the weeks of Corona Virus Lockdown, and many applied hours of re-calculation, with blog stats revised back to 2018, to ensure the information presented here for contemporary readers is as correct as it could hopefully ever be.
5,000 Miles Cumulative Total: 4266.5 miles
2020 Total: 0.0 miles
Up Country Total: 3803.5 miles
Solo Total: 3952.3 miles
5,000 in my 40s Total: 2860.3
Next Up: Being NIW for a week and busting the 2020 season open.
Next Up: Being NIW for a week and busting the 2020 season open.
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